Career Edge: Customer Experience Agent, Slack

“When I first heard of Career Edge it was through my sister, who had also used the program. I had just moved across the country to Toronto from Vancouver and wasn’t sure where to begin in my professional job search, but I was eager to find something that was perfect for me.

I had stumbled upon a posting from Slack, which was a tech company that I was familiar with through some of my smaller courses in university. The second I saw the posting, I sent in my resume and worked with Career Edge to understand how I could make my application stand out.

To my surprise, the job at Slack wasn’t actually an internship but a full-time position. This proved even more valuable to me, as Career Edge really helped me break right into the right industry for me and it has allowed me to start building my career and life in a city I love. I was first hired a year ago, and the skills I’ve developed at Slack have led to my promotion within the company, and pushed me to continue to learn new things every day about how to be successful in this industry.

I thank my lucky stars that I stumbled upon this program when I did — it’s made all the difference in getting started, and it opened the door to what really was the perfect fit.”


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