Next week, Career Edge Organization will be sending out our latest issue of CareerBulletin, our quarterly e-Newsletter for interns, alumni, partners and host employers.
In this month’s issues, the topic of “organizational fit” has emerged as a central theme (in addition to the theme of “sweets” given our recent successes with Kraft and Lindt!). It is natural for us to talk about “fit” because that concept is such an integral part of what we do here.
Whether through our Career Edge, Ability Edge or Career Bridge paid internship programs, we offer meaningful work opportunities for recent graduates, recent graduates with disabilities and internationally qualified professionals. We only work with the best employers in Canada to ensure that both the individual and the organization are set up for success. In each case, this means finding the best fit possible.
In this coming issue of CareerBulletin, read the full story about our intern at Lindt. You will also find great tips on hiring for fit, and research that helps us understand the benefits.
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