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Employee engagement (no diamond ring necessary!)

By February 9, 2010August 6th, 2019Uncategorized

I came across an interesting article on the Charity Village website this morning, written by Tim Rutledge, Ph.D., a veteran human resources consultant and publisher.

It’s generally accepted in HR and employment worlds that, on average, only 30% of employees are “engaged.” So what about the other 70%?

Rutledge blames “the fish pond mentality” among other chronic workplace issues.

Many consultants trumpet the presence of such things as snack carts and fish ponds as reasons why a company is a great place to work. I have nothing against ponds or snacks, but they don’t lead to engagement. If my manager creates a disengaging environment, I can’t snack my way to engagement.

Agreed! Having said that, snacks are always a plus.

Click here to read the full article