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Back from NATCON (aka the National Consultation on Career Development and Workforce Learning conference)

By April 28, 2010August 6th, 2019Uncategorized

It has been unusually quiet in the office this week.

Over the past few days, Career Edge Organization has had a strong presence at the National Consultation on Career Development and Workforce Learning conference, better known as NATCON.

Having attended in the past as delegates, this year we were invited by the Conference Board of Canada to deliver two engaging presentations on subject matters within our areas of expertise.

On Monday, our President & CEO, Anne Lamont, delivered an informative and practical workshop on measuring diversity initiatives. Deanna Matzanke, Director, Global Employment Strategies at Scotiabank partnered with Career Edge Organization and presented alongside Anne.

While Anne Lamont gave an overview of diversity issues in Canadian employment, as well as 7 key factors in measuring diversity success, Deanna was able to provide an employer perspective, using Scotiabank as a case study for championing, measuring and improving diversity and inclusivity initiatives.

Yesterday we were treated to an energetic, fun and yet informative presentation from Gen Y authority, Dr. Karyn Gordon, who helped the audience understand the notorious millennial cohort in their cultural, familial and professional contexts.

This was a perfect segway into our second presentation. This morning, our Director, Marketing and Communications, Janice Rudkowski, built on the foundation set by Dr. Karyn’s keynote presentation, by providing the audience with insights derived from our Canadian Gen Y study which we conducted with Angus Reid Strategies last September.

For those who are not familiar with it, NATCON is considered a major industry conference in Canada that brings together professionals representing business, labour practitioners and policy makers from across the country. Simultaneously taking place were the “Global Best Awards” for education and business partnerships, also held by the Conference Board of Canada.

To learn more about it, visit their website: