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The Driven Generation – Part II

By August 16, 2012August 6th, 2019Uncategorized

Last month we shared some of the most recent findings and  insights from our perennial Gen Y research, identifying that Gen Y workers at the early stages of their career have set their sights on quickly becoming managers while taking a collaborative and social approach to their projects. Although this strong desire for upward mobility is palpable, the results of our research also suggest that there are two distinct camps within Gen Y workers when it comes to career progression:

  • paying your dues
  • aggressively climbing the corporate ladder

Career Progression But regardless of the approach that Gen Y takes to career advancement, they realize that they can’t do it alone. Over 90% of Gen Y workers recognize on-the-job training, knowledge sharing, and networking as being important or very important in supporting the achievement of their career goals. However, we were surprised to see that fewer (77%) see having a coach or mentor as a valuable contributor to professional growth.

Coaching has been a critical element of Career Edge Organization’s internship model for the past 16 years. We know that coaching is an effective way to support recent grads as they transition from an academic environment to the Canadian workforce. Therefore, we continue to encourage employers and Gen Y workers alike to participate in mutually beneficial professional coaching relationships.

We learned from our 2010 research that although Gen Y do prefer a social working atmosphere, they look to their coaches for professional guidance and feedback rather than friendship. The way we see it, a coach’s primary role is to leverage their existing knowledge and experience related to their profession and organization’s corporate culture and pass this information on to a colleague that may be new to the Canadian workplace. When it comes to their ideal type of coach, Gen Y told us that they look for the following qualities in a professional mentor:

High impact qualities for coaches to possess

We believe that coaching is a powerful way to support the integration of Gen Y/Millenials into the workplace. With the top five coaching qualities listed above, coaches and supervisors can maximize their Gen Y workforce while providing a supportive and professional work environment that allows Gen Y to learn, thrive, and contribute.

Next month, our Vice President, Donna Smith, will be sharing her Coaching Culture hints and tips to teach new coaches how to support Gen Y as they head back to work instead of back to school.

Do you have questions about coaching Gen Y? Let us know! Leave a comment here or tweet us!