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Earth Day call to action

By April 22, 2010August 6th, 2019Uncategorized

This afternoon our Vice President at Career Edge Organization, Donna Smith, sent out a fun but serious call to action to all staff:

Since today is Earth Day, this is a great opportunity to think about how we can each contribute to making this a cleaner, greener planet.

Here is my challenge to each of you…

Please propose one idea easy to implement idea that will make our offices  greener. I just know this creative team will come up with some fabulous ideas.

Donna’s promise? Starting today, she will only bring her early morning tea into the office in a reusable travel mug.

The rest of the staff quickly chimed in:

“Carrying a shopping bag with us all the time, so that we don’t use plastic bags!!” – Rima

“Order environmentally responsible office supplies…recycled paper clips anyone?” – Sydney

“How about keeping a stash of scrap paper for taking notes instead of using new paper every time” – Paula

“We can recycle our broken or old electronic devices by taking them to stores like Best Buy or Staples” – Ramtin

“If you take electronic devices to the green living show on the weekend you get in for free!” – Rory

“We can start using stairs instead of the elevator. (Yes, applies in my case too!)” – Rizwan

“Support our local farmers market, for example the one at Metro Hall (in Toronto)” – Janice

“Save trees by printing less – instead, save important emails and documents in electronic files for future use.” – Michelle

The farmers market at Metro Hall in Toronto

Talk to us! What does your workplace do to make the world a “greener, cleaner” place? How did your organization acknowledge Earth Day?