As we await to launch more careers in 2019, we asked our team to share their favourite stories from 2018. From quick turnaround times to delighted phone calls, it’s stories like these that inspire us to continue doing what we do best – launch careers.
Mahta Molatalab
Bilingual Talent Specialist
CBC/Radio Canada introduced their first-ever People with Disabilities project and asked us to help find their six newest employees. We performed the initial outreach and candidates started applying in the three-week application window. We received 150 applications before the last day and compiled shortlists. On the last day, we received another 150 applications! With only one day left to review these new submissions and adjust the shortlists for CBC/Radio Canada to assess, with the help of my talent acquisition team, I managed to review all 300 applications and sent the shortlists on time. The hiring managers were amazed by the quality of candidates and all six positions were filled quickly. They started in September and those employees said it’s been an incredible experience for them.
Anna Khachatryan
Talent Specialist
I was trying to help one of our HR candidates find a good match. I showcased him to two companies. In the first situation, he passed the phone interview but not the face-to-face. In the second situation, it didn’t work out. Knowing his experience, I was sure that we would be able to find something for him. He felt quite discouraged, but I spoke with him quite frequently as he inquired about updates and what else he could do to get successful in his search.
In November, we received a new posting which matched his background so I encouraged him to apply. He received an offer and started working as an HR Specialist with one of our employers in Scarborough about a week ago. We managed to help an experienced professional struggling very hard to get a job. It’s hard to describe the positive feeling when you pick up the phone and let the candidate know that he is hired and will soon have a job he was dreaming about for months!
Aziz Smailagic
Director, Client Services
This was a total team effort. Jimmy from our marketing team contacted SGGG after the company registered with us as an employer. He provided me with every detail of what their company needed. The next day, I met with SGGG as Julie, one of our talent specialists, put together shortlists for them to review. She quickly scheduled interviews for the Friday and Monday, and a Career Edge intern started as SGGG’s newest Financial Reporting Analyst on Tuesday. With a coordinated effort, it took our team only six days to launch a career!
Leo Luk
Senior Talent Specialist
At a job fair for people with disabilities hosted at Humber College, I met a new graduate looking for an HR opportunity. I showcased her resume to an RBC hiring manager. One week later, she received a phone interview, and then a face-to-face two days after. RBC hired her to work at their HR contact centre and made workplace accommodations to ensure she was able to work comfortably at her work station.
People with disabilities have a hard time finding employment. I was happy to make that connection between her and RBC, giving her the opportunity to talk to about her skills and qualifications. Most importantly, she found a supportive and inclusive working environment.