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Career Edge Blog

An open door policy

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Communicating with our stakeholders is not a new concept to us. We have an e-newsletter that is circulated to more than 25,000 subscribers and are frequent participants in employment-related workshops, conferences and other events.

The tools through which we communicate are changing, and Career Edge Organization has embraced this by embarking in new social media. This blog, our LinkedIn groups and our twitter account are just a few examples of how we are strategically leveraging social media to better communicate with you.

We observe the Canadian employment landscape from the perspectives of all our partners and stakeholders, including employers, government, agencies, thought leaders and job-seekers – in turn providing us with spectacular insights. We have our fingers on the pulse of what’s happening in Canada’s economic and labour market environments. Our staff is led by a management team of accomplished executives with a passion for progress and openness to change. We have also invited leaders and experts from the field to contribute from time to time. So while I will be the primary administrator of this blog, know that the viewpoints expressed here come from an excellent vantage point.

We decided to call this “The C.E.O. Blog” for a number of reasons, the obvious one being that the letters CEO are an acronym for Career Edge Organization. We recognize however that those letters represent much more to many people.
They represent thought leadership, knowledge and accountability – virtues we hope to convey through our communications here. The Chief Executive Officer or CEO is also one of the highest-ranking positions a person can aspire to in their career, and we like to think that the careers we launch here belong to the future leaders of tomorrow. Finally, C-level executives are ultimately the decision-makers who champion innovative and progressive hiring practices. They represent employers like you whose partnership over the years is the reason Career Edge Organization has been a true Canadian success story.

As we have developed strong relationships with major Canadian employers, post-secondary institutions and employment agencies, we are always kept in the loop regarding business, HR and employment-related events, studies and news. The great thing about having a blog is not only do we now have a forum where we can share this valuable knowledge with you; we have also created a community where you can share with us and join the conversation.

Welcome to The C.E.O. blog! Questions? Comments? Our door is always open.