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Still looking for an opportunity in 2019? Read some of our team’s best tips on getting a job in the new year:


“Network – meet people. Call up old friends, make new friends. Get out and sell your strengths to everyone that will listen.”

-Tabatha McIntyre, Director, Marketing & Partnerships

“Do a co-op in school. If you’re out of school, arrange for some informational interviews.”

-Miranda Bashir, Marketing Assistant



“Find a balance between humbleness and confidence. More so than any tangible hard skills, employers want to see that you’re passionate, motivated, and confident in your ability. The humble part comes from appreciating every opportunity you get; whether it’s a phone interview, Skype, or the 3rd round of an interview. It leaves a bad impression to employers and recruiters if you act like you’re god’s gift to the marketplace.”

-Aziz Smailagic, Director, Client Services

“Study the job description of your dream job at your dream company. For the skills you have, match the keywords on your resume. And for the skills you don’t have – GET them. The world and its jobs change fast, so those job requirements change accordingly. You must regularly monitor them.”

-Jimmy Huynh, Digital Marketing Coordinator



“Networking! Try to connect with as many as people in their field of interest using all different means.”

-Mahta Molatalab, Bilingual Talent Specialist

“Shoot your shot. It’s 2019.”

-Joshua Go, Campus Engagement Coordinator

[Editor’s note: He means to apply to a job anyway. Even if it requires one or two years more experience than you have, try! You never know what could happen.]


Need some more job search tips that aren’t outdated? Visit our Career Advice page for more!